Innovative Camp Design
Where Innovation Sparks Learning
The IDEAS Camps Design
IDEAS Camps’ entire concept is designed to provide WOW experiences and PEAK moments for campers and parents alike. Our leadership teams spend the entire fall, winter and spring working on the smallest details to ensure each camper enjoys a summer camp experience never to be forgotten.
The IDEAS Summer Camp Innovation Commitment
IDEAS is open to all kids, boys and girls. No prior experience is necessary. All skill levels are welcome. Our team of counselors and instructors pride themselves in their ability to scaffold lessons, activities, and instruction to ensure campers are moving at their own pace.
Regardless of whether a young child is attending camp for the very first time in IDEAS Camps’ Day Camp program or is returning for her 4th summer and participating in the IDEAS Game Development program, our commitment is to:
- Nurture the innovative potential in each camper.
- Appease the body’s need to be active and healthy.
- Encourage participation in new activities.
- Build self-esteem and confidence with end-of-week take-home projects (physical or digital) that campers may share with friends and family.
That is why we challenge all attending campers to The IDEAS Camps Innovation Challenge.
Interactive Games & Fitness
Sports, like all other areas of learning, is all about problem solving and the ability to make the adjustments.
The founder of IDEAS Summer Camps has spent his entire professional life dedicating time and energy working with children and teaching them the challenges and enjoyment of team sports and games. Therefore, IDEAS Camps incorporates an abundance of team sports, interactive games, and fitness/movement throughout every camp day.
IDEAS Campers Will Sleep Well At Night
IDEAS campers will sleep well at night after a fun-filled, action-packed camp day! We believe there is a direct correlation between the movement of the body and an enhanced capacity for the developing mind to innovate and create. Therefore, there is no shortage of daily indoor and outdoor activities and play for all young campers attending Camp.
Each day, campers participate in a variety of movement and play, from the enjoyment of traditional sports and games to backyard “create-your-own” challenges. All activities and games are team-based and challenge campers to either beat the clock or even their own counselors!
Our sports offerings include a fine balance between indoor and outdoor activities. Traditional indoor and outdoor sports including: GaGa, Soccer, Volleyball, Beach Games, Cornhole, and much more.
What are Interactive Games?
At IDEAS Camps we like to incorporate physical activities and movement that address the Mind, Body, and Social Emotional qualities of the child.
Our goal is to foster smart and curious children – all while engaging their intelligence and learning styles using compelling activities, tools and immersive experiences.
IDEAS Camps also believes that a sound body leads to a sound mind. Therefore we support health, sports, fitness and physical education leading to a quality active lifestyle.
Through interactive play, our instructors will facilitate powerful experiences to help develop confidence, empathy, self esteem, and interpersonal skills-all which are crucial for the world we live in.

In Sum
Interactive games transforms traditional camp environments into immersive and interactive spaces using a vast catalog of purposeful activities in a friendly positive environment.
Water Play & Games
Summer is hot so we like to cool down with our daily Water Play on IDEAS inflatable Slip n’ Slide. Day campers enjoy water play on a daily basis while older campers enjoy the inflatable slip n’ slide throughout the week. At least three times a week all campers will enjoy a variety of safe, enjoyable water play and games – all of them well-supervised.
The IDEAS Camps Innovation Challenge
During each program, lesson, and activity our goal is to challenge IDEAS Campers to:
Be Visionary • Be Courageous • Be Collaborative
Be Determined • Be Reflective • Be Helpful
Be Visionary
- Understand the “Why” behind the decision-making process.
- Believe that ideas can turn into reality.
Be Courageous
- Celebrate effort over results
- Try new activities with a sense of enjoyment, not pressure
Be Collaborative
- Ask questions.
- Learn to understand others’ ideas and “why.”
- Believe in the team.
Be Determined
- Do everything with intention.
- Watch, learn, practice, repeat.
- Multiple repetitions.
Be Reflective
- Ask questions.
- Take on the challenge to improve.
- Measure impact.
- Accept feedback.
Be Helpful
- Practice saying the words, “How may I help you?”
- Adopt the “we” over “me” attitude.
The IDEAS Camps Innovation Process is Demonstrated Within Each Camp Activity
Set Goals • Ideate • Design • Create • Experiment • Evaluate • Redesign • Demonstrate • Share